Ride 5 review – one for the purists

Review information

Platform reviewed: PS5
Available on: PS5, Xbox Series X|S, PC
Release date: August 24, 2023 

Ride 5 is the latest in Milestone’s premiere motorcycling racing series which is running exclusively on current-generation hardware, and it looks and runs all the better for it. However, it brings relatively few new additions to the established formula, save for improvements to the dynamic weather system, a few more bikes, and split-screen racing. It’s a title that’s made first and foremost for dedicated racing enthusiasts for better or worse. 

While some of the best racing games skirt a fine line between realistic simulation handling and arcade action, Ride 5 firmly establishes itself in the former camp in an unflinching and uncompromising way. You’re thrown into the deep end from the off
– just like 2020 predecessor Ride 4 –  and must complete a few time trial laps before engaging with the rest of the title’s content. However, unlike the older game, there’s no strict insistence on a personal best time or the risk of an invalid lap for the slightest mistake, but this is about as much slack as the game awards you. 

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This post originally appeared on TechToday.

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