How Application Managed Services (AMS) Can Elevate Your Healthcare Organization

Application Managed Services for Healthcare

As a cost of doing business, healthcare organizations must support hundreds of applications (think EHR, ERP, RCM) hosted on-premises and in the cloud, all of which require constant monitoring, regular upgrades, feature enhancements, security patches, and much more.

But here’s the thing: most healthcare organizations don’t always have the time, resources and/or skill to manage all of these systems effectively. Instead, they need and want to focus on their number one priority: patients.

That’s exactly what a well-run application managed services (AMS) program enables organizations to do. The best AMS providers work in the background to provide support and on-demand expertise for your mission-critical applications, freeing up your internal resources for other critical projects and patient-focused priorities.

The Benefits of Working with an Application Managed Services Provider for Healthcare Organizations

An experienced AMS vendor can help healthcare organizations improve efficiency and productivity in a number of ways, including:

  • Proactive maintenance and monitoring of IT systems to identify and resolve potential issues before they become major problems that can cause downtime or disrupt operations.
  • Streamlining workflows and automating repetitive tasks to help providers save time and reduce errors.
  • Improving data analytics and business intelligence to help healthcare organizations gain insights into their operations and make informed decisions.
  • Increased security through 24/7 monitoring, and regular testing and patching to protect against known vulnerabilities.
  • Enhanced customer service utilizing an experienced help desk of analysts and engineers who can quickly resolve end-user IT issues.
  • Reduced hiring and payroll costs as an AMS provides specialized IT talent and application-specific skillsets that may be difficult or cost-prohibitive for an organization to hire for on a full-time basis.

Partner with Experts in Application Managed Services

Implementing an EHR, like Epic, Oracle Cerner or MEDITECH, or an ERP/HCM, like UKG, Workday or Oracle Cloud, is a complex undertaking. But maintaining these applications after Go-Live is equally complex and requires specialized expertise and support. Healthcare IT Leaders can help.

Why choose us to provide AMS support for your solution?


Proven Track Record of Providing IT and Application Support

Healthcare IT Leaders offers deep healthcare and AMS experience. Recently, Oracle Cerner tapped our firm to provide exclusive and direct AMS support to over 250 clients. For this engagement, we:

  • Built and managed a highly skilled team of 75+ customer-facing technical and application resources
  • Drove rapid resolution of client issues, successfully closing 7,000 help desk tickets across 42 solution areas
  • Transitioned several consultants to permanent positions with Oracle Cerner

Deep AMS Experience in Healthcare

Our in-house experts are drawn from industry-leading vendors, consultancies, and health systems, offering invaluable, real-world consultative experience to our clients.

Our team also has decades of combined experience supporting large EHR and ERP systems, such as Oracle Health, Epic, UKG, and Workday.

In short, we understand not just how these solutions work, but how these systems are implemented and how they are used by internal stakeholders. And we bring that experience and mindset to the IT and application support we provide.

Team Approach for Swift Action

Some organizations worry that using an AMS model means they’re losing control or ownership. When they work with us, they find that quite the opposite is true.

The structure of our relationship with a client becomes one of openness and communication. With frequent calls and check-ins, we collaborate with you to identify your priorities and get the work done.

Clients thrive when they experience our team approach firsthand. Our testimonials below demonstrate their level of satisfaction with us:

  • “This ticket has been going on since November…but as soon as [Healthcare IT Leaders] got it, [they] did it within 30 min!!! –Hospital in Vermont
  • “Thank you [Healthcare IT Leaders] for your amazing investigation. Cannot tell you how much it was appreciated. I cannot express how much easier it is to resolve issues when we have an extremely detailed and knowledgeable investigation like [they] conducted. – A client in Indiana
  • “[Healthcare IT Leaders] was very helpful and checked on my situation daily until resolved.” – A Hospital in Iowa

We can help your organization with healthcare IT and application support, too. Contact us. Let’s talk about your specific situation and make a plan of action.


Mike Robin is Healthcare IT Leaders’ Executive Director, Oracle Cerner Practice. He is a former VP and Partner at Cerner Corporation with over 30 years of healthcare IT experience.

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This post originally appeared on TechToday.

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