Error’d: Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho

This week brings an ongoing installment in a long-running gag, and a plea for help with a truly execrable pun. Can someone please find me some map-related material in Idaho? I promise not to credit you directly!

Workaholic Stuart Longland flexes "Yes, I'm working on a Sunday. And yes, I've worked some long hours in the past. But 56 hours in one day? I don't know whether to crow or cry! But TRWTF is the fact these phantom work entries re-incarnate after I delete them." In his own defense, Stuart explains (and I concur) "Monday-Friday is fairly meaningless after COVID and the Queensland Floods."



Searching for the Rubicon, wandert Vivia wondered "Of those places, only Attica is in Greece. Maybe cities now exist in the cloud?"



Non-ex Patrick explains "I recently recalled several emails with mixed date formats, regarding the Fed-Ex updates for some goods I bought in January from Europe. Of the email subject, one email had European, and the other subject had American formatting, in addition to the body shown here. Luckily it only took 2 days, not 11 months, or -10 months." And Patrick, are you located in the US? I wonder if the email formatter was using the source locale for both timezone and formatting of the ship date, and the destination locale for both timezone and formatting of delivery date. There's a certain horrible logic to that. But clearly the right answer is RFC 3339 or nothing.



Coincidentally, Michael B. relates "Expected delivery by time machine?" Or another case of split locales, with shipping across the International Date Line?



Finally, Michael R. clocks in "The Date column is supposed to be the original date and New Date the new postponed one. My 20/02/2022 was especially tricky to figure out." Michael, I looked at the list and didn't see the problem. It must have been fixed since your encounter.



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This post originally appeared on The Daily WTF.

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