CodeSOD: High Performance Query

Aaron was doing some work with a high-performance-computing platform. The kind of thing that handles complex numerical simulations divided across farms of CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and basically anything else that computes.

The system comes with a web GUI, and the code for the web GUI is… well… let's just look at the comment on a method.

    * This method executes a select query.
    * @param filter associative array containing the table field as key and a value.
    * @param table
    * @param groupby array containing group by fields.
    * @param orderby field to sort
    * @param order ( desc or asc )
    * @return A double array containing the query result.

Oh yeah, we're looking at PHP which generates SQL queries on the fly. And you know they happen via string concatenation. Even with that knowledge, however, it's actually probably worse than you think.

public function select( $filter, $table, $groupby, $orderby, $order='desc', $limit=0 )
        $filter_str = "";
        $groupby_str = "";
        $field_str = "";
        $is_first = TRUE;
        $join_annex = 0;
        $i = 0;
        if ( $table == MAIN_TABLE )
                $annex_schema = $this->getSchema( ANNEX_TABLE );
                $annex_schema = null;

        if( $filter )
            foreach( $filter as $field => $value )
                if (($annex_schema != null) && (in_array($field, array_keys($annex_schema))))
                        # need to join on annex table
                        $join_annex = 1;

                if( $value != "")
                           $filter_str .= ($is_first ? '' : ' AND ');

                        if( preg_match( '`^.*(\*|\?).*$`', $value ) ) {
                                $compar = ' LIKE ';
                                $value = strtr( $value, array( '?' => '.', '*' => '%' ));
                        } else {
                                $compar = '=';

                        if ( $field == PATH ) {
                                $match_array = db_path_match($value);
                                if ( array_count_values( $match_array ) == 1 )
                                        $filter_str .= $field.$compar.'\''.$value.'\'';
                                else {
                                        $filter_str .= '(';
                                        $is_first_subexpr = TRUE;
                                        foreach ($match_array as $expr ) {
                                                if (preg_match( '`^.*(\%|\_).*$`', $expr ))
                                                        $filter_str .= ($is_first_subexpr ? '': ' OR ').$field.' LIKE \''.$expr.'\'';
                                                        $filter_str .= ($is_first_subexpr ? '': ' OR ').$field.'=\''.$expr.'\'';

                                                $is_first_subexpr = FALSE;
                                        $filter_str .= ')';
                         } else {
                                $filter_str .= $field.$compar.'\''.$value.'\'';
                    $is_first = FALSE;

        if( $groupby )
            $is_first = TRUE;
            foreach( $groupby as $field )
                if (($annex_schema != null) && (in_array($field, array_keys($annex_schema))))
                        # need to join on annex table
                        $join_annex = 1;

                $groupby_str = $groupby_str.($is_first ? '' : ',').$field;
                $is_first = FALSE;

        /* /!\ is there a field in ANNEX_INFO? */

        $is_first = TRUE;
        foreach( $this->getSchema( $table ) as $field => $type )
            if( substr_count( $type, "int" ) != 0 && $groupby && $field != "status" ) //TODO status case (no meaning here)
                $field_str .= ( $is_first ? '' : ', ' )." SUM(".($join_annex ? "$table." : "").$field.")";
                $field_str .= ( $is_first ? '' : ', ' ).($join_annex ? "$table." : "").$field;
            $is_first = FALSE;
        if ($join_annex) {
                foreach( $this->getSchema( ANNEX_TABLE ) as $field => $type )
                    if( substr_count( $type, "int" ) != 0 && $groupby && $field != "status" ) //TODO status case (no meaning here)
                        $field_str .= ( $is_first ? '' : ', ' )." SUM(".($join_annex ? ANNEX_TABLE."." : "").$field.")";
                        $field_str .= ( $is_first ? '' : ', ' ).($join_annex ? ANNEX_TABLE."." : "").$field;
                    $is_first = FALSE;

            if ($join_annex)
                    $query = "SELECT ".$field_str." FROM ".$table." LEFT JOIN ".ANNEX_TABLE." ON $ = ".ANNEX_TABLE.".id ".
                                ( $filter ? " WHERE ".$filter_str : "" ).
                                ( $groupby ? " GROUP BY ".$groupby_str : "" ).( $orderby ? " ORDER BY ".$orderby." ".$order : "" ).
                                ( $limit > 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : "" );
                    $query = "SELECT ".$field_str." FROM ".$table.( $filter ? " WHERE ".$filter_str : "" ).
                                ( $groupby ? " GROUP BY ".$groupby_str : "" ).( $orderby ? " ORDER BY ".$orderby." ".$order : "" ).
                                ( $limit > 0 ? " LIMIT $limit" : "" );

            $result = $this->connection->query( $query );

            while( $line = $result->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC ) )
                $returned_result[$i] = $line;
                if ($i > MAX_SEARCH_RESULT)
                    echo "<b>ERROR: max result count exceeded</b><br>\n";
                    return null;
            $this->rowNumber = $i;

            return $returned_result;
        catch( PDOException $e )
            echo 'Error: '.$e->getMessage().'</br>';

There's just so much in here. We start by detecting if we need to join to an ANNEX_TABLE based on whether or not our query target is the MAIN_TABLE. We loop over the filter, possibly joining to that table. We munge the comparison field with a regex, to see if we're doing an = comparison or a LIKE comparison.

The whole thing is a tortured pile of string munging and SQL injection and so much complexity to handle all of the weird little cases they've included.

The code is bad, through and through. But I think my favorite bits are the error handling: we just print an error to the page, complete with hard-coded </br> tags, which, um… the break tag is not meant to be an open/close tag pair. Even if we're doing older XHMTL style, the correct way to output that would be <br />.

Special credit to this line: echo "<b>ERROR: max result count exceeded</b><br>\n";, and that poor, useless \n hanging out at the end, too.

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This post originally appeared on The Daily WTF.

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