Backbase’s ENGAGE Asia 2023 to Kick off in Bangkok This November

Backbase’s ENGAGE Asia 2023 to Kick off in Bangkok This November

by Fintech News Singapore

October 27, 2023

Banking leaders find themselves at that pivotal time of the year when they must strategise their transformation goals for the upcoming year.

In Asia, digital banking has become ingrained in consumers’ lifestyles, evolving into a core expectation and a decisive factor in their interactions and choice of financial service providers.

As we approach the banking landscape of 2024 in Asia, leaders must address multifaceted challenges. These include integrating lifestyle-focused digital banking, delivering personalised offerings through AI-driven automation, providing unified customer views for customer servicing, embracing conversational banking, facilitating ease and acceleration in money transfers and cross border payments, inclusive banking, increasing mobile banking adoption and penetration, maximizing ROI from digital transformation, and emphasising retention and loyalty as key drivers for ROE growth.

However, according to a recent IDC InfoBrief commissioned by Backbase, digital transformation hasn’t unfolded as expected. Despite annual investments of US$100 billion, 70% of projects do not succeed, and even for the successful ones, 50% underperform, while 25% fail to yield a return on investment.

So, how can banks rise above these challenges? There is a significant paradigm shift at hand, involving the transformation of banking with the customer as the focus and priority, gaining independence from monolithic core systems, shifting towards an ‘adopt and build’ banking platform strategy, unifying lines of business to reduce customer engagement friction through reusable data and journeys, and enhancing self-service to empower banking employees and streamline customer engagement.

ENGAGE, a flagship conference by Backbase, brings disruptive innovation, roadmaps, and practical insights to help reimagine banking transformation. Year after year, real banks from Backbase’s 150+ customer base share their success stories with the industry on how they’ve accelerated and re-architected banking around the customer.

This year, ENGAGE comes to Asia to explore ‘The Big Shift’ from traditional to engagement banking. The conference encompasses fresh IDC primary research spanning seven Asian countries, showcases success stories from BDO, Techcombank, and HDFC Bank, presents tailored solution roadmaps and demos for the Asian banking landscape, and features perspectives from influential international fintech speakers, management consultants, and innovation experts.

In addition, it offers testimonials from top Asian banks—all aimed at empowering banking executives with actionable strategies and insights for navigating the dynamic digital banking landscape in Asia and forging a path to sustainable success.

Designed to enable banking executives in pivoting the future of banking transformation and ensuring competitiveness in a rapidly evolving landscape, key topics covered include success stories in achieving financial inclusion, achieving the highest digital adoption rates in the country, converting savers into investors to drive higher ROI, implementing banking-as-a-service, creating a banking app in a hyper-competitive landscape consistently rated nearly 5/5, and achieving a balance between freedom and control by transforming the banking platform into a dynamic innovative hub. This transformation also involves shifting away from a system-centric approach and gaining independence from monolithic legacy systems, among other critical considerations

In addition to banking leaders, McKinsey, PwC, Backbase’s Founder and CEO, the top 40 international fintech influencer Chris Skinner, the Fintech News Network’s Chief Editor are there to provide invaluable strategic insights and takeaways to drive your bank’s success.

Backbase ENGAGE Asia Speakers

The conference is structured to provide tailored 1:1 chats with industry experts, enabling delegates to address their organisation’s specific challenges, expectations, and aspirations. Delegates can fix a specific time to engage Backbase’s top minds, including the Founder, CPO, CTO, Product Directors, Solution Engineers, and Principal Value Consultants, for a private discussion and receive hands-on guidance to shape their banking strategies.

Expecting over 100 banking transformation leaders from across Asia, namely Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Cambodia, Bangladesh, and Singapore, ENGAGE Asia 2023 promises to be a hub for meeting banking peers and exploring collaborative opportunities with Backbase’s technology partners including Microsoft, Synpulse, SmartOSC, Mobiquity, Xebia, BlueBricks, and Capco.

All delegates are invited to join in the welcome drinks and canapes on the evening of November 7th and to celebrate the recognition of 9 Asian banks for winning the Excellence in Customer Engagement Awards 2023 in Backbase’s award ceremony. This is followed by an executive dinner at the hotel’s Michelin star restaurant.

In addition to impactful curated content, ENGAGE Asia extends hospitality for all delegates and speakers to immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of Bangkok, including a Chao Praya river dinner cruise and an evening at a renowned Bangkok rooftop bar, all with compliments from Backbase.

Join ENGAGE Asia 2023 to shape your banking transformation goals for 2024.


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This post originally appeared on TechToday.

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