Last week I didn’t have time to publish here because I was engrossed in meeting a deadline for the Legal ..
As some of you know, on the weekends I teach skiing lessons at Mt. Abram Ski Area. Yesterday, I taught ..
Earlier this month Google rebranded Bard to Gemini. Why they did that isn’t terribly important (presumably ..
In Teaching Search Strategies to History Students I wrote about the importance of identifying the goal ..
A couple of weeks ago I shared a few ways to speed up the process of giving your students meaningful ..
Last week my seven-year-old came home from school excited to tell me that her teacher had her play a new game ..
As you may know, back in August I returned to the classroom on a full-time basis. Not as a teacher, but as a student. ..
I started the Practical Ed Tech weekly newsletter ten years ago this month. It was an off-shoot of the daily ..
It’s a holiday week for most of us. So rather than present a new tip, I’m sharing the five best tips ..
Greetings from Maine where I’m writing this with the help of a generator. No, not an AI-powered writing ..