Tip Tuesday: Leverage big data analytics for MSP growth

As managed service providers (MSPs), you know that the customer experience is everything. You must improve your services and anticipate relevant market trends to demonstrate your value. This is where big data analytics can help you identify service gaps and improve your business strategies to achieve growth.

Why should I use big data analytics?

MSP business owners typically make the decisions for their company. Since the digital evolution and technology advancements, MSP owners can leverage big data analytics to make better educated decisions.

A tremendous amount of information is produced daily. In 2023, there are 120 zettabytes of data was generated, and experts predict that number will skyrocket to 181 zettabytes by 2025. Now more than ever, big data offers invaluable business opportunities for those who strategize accordingly.

How can big data reveal growth opportunities?

The predictive analysis of client needs and market demand can uncover business opportunities. Big data analytics reveals hidden patterns in datasets, allowing you to predict the future. You can achieve proactive growth once you align these insights with customer and end-user preferences.

Predictive analysis leverages historical data to forecast future events and trends. You can use purchase histories and preference information to predict how your customers’ needs will adapt over time and in response to market trends. For instance, you could identify upcoming security threats to build an accurate risk analysis. This way, you can tailor your current offerings to address service gaps.

Big data analytics can also uncover future market trends, helping you identify time-sensitive growth opportunities. You can forecast how demand will shift using historical information, allowing you to tailor your services to the ever-evolving digital landscape.

The ability to forecast demand helps you identify service gaps, which uncovers growth opportunities. Once you determine how you must grow to meet your customers’ needs, you can align your services with their preferences and gain a competitive advantage.

What strategies can I use for optimization?

Data is only as valuable as the strategies it drives. Once you identify growth opportunities, you must strategize accordingly to achieve success.

Make data collection transparent

People want to know when and why you use their details to identify growth opportunities. Most prefer being aware of information collection and are usually against secretive sourcing practices. Being transparent is better for business outcomes. Moreover, informing your customers why you’re building datasets can strengthen your professional relationships.

Approaching your customers with your data-driven insights is a sound strategy. Once you use predictive analysis to forecast trends, you should inform them of what you’ve discovered. Collaboration will foster loyalty even in a competitive market.

Collect data from numerous relevant sources

The best data-driven insights come from relevant sources. You can only strengthen your decision-making process, optimize service delivery and improve personalization efforts if you have quality, up-to-date information to work with.

Audit your data sources to determine their relevance before integrating them into your decision-making process. Whether you collect customer information from surveys or operational metrics, it must be meaningful.

One successful collection strategy involves variety — gathering information from numerous sources. This way, you can compare multiple datasets to validate their quality. Your resulting insights will be much more actionable. Additionally, your forecasts will be far more accurate.

Use data to upsell and cross-sell to customers

Chances are your customers are willing to purchase more of your products or services if you offer the right ones. Using their purchase history, interests and service gaps identifies upselling and cross-selling growth opportunities.

Imagine big data analytics reveals your customer has a slow incident response to potential network breaches. If you already provide intrusion detection, you could offer a supplementary managed response service to improve their security.

Optimize your financial operations

One of the best strategies for optimization involves cash flow tracking. You can track your historical expenses using big data analytics to see where you can optimize spending. Using multiple datasets simultaneously would show an accurate return on investment for each expenditure. This way, you can minimize overhead costs and improve your monthly recurring revenue.

Another way to use big data analytics for cash flow optimization is in billing. Customers who make payments late create a significant ripple effect on you financially. Predictive analysis helps you anticipate who will be on time and who won’t, allowing you to proactively send invoices to ensure you get paid on time.

Make data easily accessible

MSPs often fall into the habit of separating their datasets by department. Even though structuring access privileges around people’s positions is good for security, overly compartmentalized storage systems can create accessibility issues down the line.

Coordination and collaboration become much more challenging if you have segmented information. Unfortunately, the average business has over 2,000 data silos, making most figures inaccessible to other departments. Making customer information easily accessible in a central location will improve operational efficiency.

Careful strategizing is essential

Leveraging big data analytics is a two-part process involving collection and application. You must ensure your sources are relevant and provide actionable insight. Still, even if you have the highest quality information, you must strategize for success. Carefully consider your decisions and potential alternatives before implementing a solution.

Photo: Golden Dayz / Shutterstock

This post originally appeared on Smarter MSP.

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